
A range of policies agreed by the Board of Community Academies Trust (CAT) apply to Woodloes Primary School as a member of CAT.
These policies include:
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding 
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Funding Agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report
  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  • Governance Charter
  • Health and Safety Statement of Intent
  • Investment Policy
  • Modern Slavery Statement
  • Pecuniary Interests of Board Members Governors
  • Scheme of Financial Delegation
  • Staff Privacy Notice
  • Student Privacy Notice
  • Trade Union Facility Time Statement
  • Whistleblowing Policy
For information about polices please follow the link here to the CAT website. The most up to date Safeguarding policy can be found on the website. 
If you require paper copies or any other information relating to school policy please contact the school office.
School policies are organised in alphabetical order, followed by CAT policies, also organised alphabetically. 

Acceptable Use Policy May 2023

Admission Arrangements for Woodloes Primary School 2023-24

Admission Arrangements for Woodloes Primary School 24 25.pdf

Accessibility Plan

Anti-bullying Policy

WPS Attendance and Punctuality Policy - May 2023 - Final.pdf

Behaviour and Relationships Policy.pdf

CAT and WPS Staff Code of Conduct - September 2023.pdf

CiC and PCiC (Looked After Children) Policy

Child-on-child Abuse Policy.pdf

Curriculum Policy

EAL policy May 23.pdf

Early Years Policy

English policy updated February 2024.pdf

Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Policy

First Aid - Managing Accidents Policy Currently under review.pdf

Marking and Feedback Policy .pdf

Online Safety Policy 2023-2024

OSCAR Fees and Admissions Policy

Positive Handling Policy.pdf

Pupil Premium Grant PPG Policy

PSHE RSE Policy.pdf

Remote Education Support Policy.pdf

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

SEN_Information_Report__Oct 23.pdf

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

Teaching and Learning Policy .pdf

Informal Arrangements

If a parent / carer is concerned about anything to do with any aspect of the school or its organisation they should in the first instance discuss the matter with the school and attempt to resolve the issue amicably BEFORE resorting to follow the formal procedure. In most cases we are confident that we can resolve any concerns or issues by simply talking through them face to face.

The class teacher and other members of staff can deal with many concerns to the satisfaction of the complainant, without needing to deal with it formally. The school values informal meetings and telephone discussions as a way of improving its procedures and relations with parents.

Initially a meeting should be arranged via the school office, with the member of staff concerned, to share the issue. Depending on the circumstances of the complaint, it may be considered appropriate for the Headteacher to discuss it with the complainant as an informal complaint. The school will inform the complainant after understanding the detail. This meeting is held in the spirit of attempting to resolve the matter in an amicable manner. In the unlikely event that the concern is not resolved it should move to the formal stage outlined in the trust complaints policy. Follow the link below. 

School contact:

Admin Manager: Mrs H Williams

Telephone: 01926 497491

Email: admin5207@welearn365.com

Address: Woodloes Primary School, Deansway, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 5DF

Link to CAT Anti-fraud Policy

Link to CAT Business Charge Card Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy March 2023.pdf

CAT Warwickshire Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (1).pdf

CAT Safeguarding Policy

Appendix 1 School Specific Safeguarding Procedures May 24.pdf

Link to CAT Commitment to Persons with a Disability Policy

CAT Complaints policy

CAT Complaints Policy - Approved by MTB May 2024.pdf

Link to CAT Data Protection Policy

Link to CAT Debt Recovery Policy

Link to CAT Director and Governor Expense Policy

Link to CAT Exclusion Policy

Link to CAT Freedom of Information Policy

Link to CAT Funding Agreement

Link to CAT Gifts and Hospitality Policy

Link to CAT Health and Safety Policy

Link to CAT Health and Safety Statement of Intent

Link to CAT Information Security Policy

Link to CAT Investment Policy

Link to CAT Leasing Policy

Link to CAT LGPS Discretion Policy

Link to CAT Whistleblowing Policy