Physical Education

Woodloes Primary School Physical Education (PE) Curriculum


At Woodloes Primary School, the intent of Physical Education (PE) sessions is to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness, whilst ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum.  


Our aims are for the pupils to:

  •          Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  •          Be physically active for sustained periods of time
  •          Engage in competitive sports and activities
  •          Lead healthy, active lives


This is achieved through pupils participating in a range of competitive sports and physically demanding activities, allowing them to lead healthy, active lives. Alongside this, our intent is for our pupils to develop team building skills whilst re-iterating the importance of resilience, fairness and respect. 


It is also our intent for our pupils to have the opportunity to join extra-curricular sporting linked clubs, and to participate in inter and intra sporting activities.



Members of school staff, PPA providers and the Onside Coaching team plan and deliver in-school Physical Education sessions using the Primary PE Scheme to support the process and to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum.  Swimming sessions (for Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils) and planned and delivered by Warwick St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre trained swimming instructors. There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge, built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.


Through their participation in the PE curriculum, pupils gain experience in a range of fundamental skills: agility, balance, co-ordination, and fitness, which are achieved through swimming, competitive games, athletics, outdoor activities and movement patterns.


Alongside this, external agencies, extra-curricular clubs and inter and intra sporting activities offer children an insight into a variety of other physical activities; encouraging active lifestyles in an engaging manner.



​Through their participation in the PE curriculum, our pupils will understand the importance of long-term physical health and well-being and be equipped with the skills required to lead active lifestyles.


Assessments linked to PE take place throughout the academic year and children are assessed against age related expectations by their Class Teacher, Onside Coaches and Swimming Teachers as appropriate. The results of these assessments are recorded and used to inform judgements linked to attainment and progress, which are shared with parents/carers in the end of year report​.


The impact of the PE curriculum. at Woodloes Primary School is assessed through subject specific monitoring and participation in the deep dive process.  Accompanying evidence is provided through pupil interviews, lesson observations, teachers questionnaires and the analysis of data. ​

School Sports Preminum Fund

The Government provides each primary school throughout England with additional funding which is to be spent on improving the sports provision within schools. At Woodloes Primary School, we believe a high quality PE curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum and one that staff, pupils and parents/carers understand and can contribute to.  Our school recognises the values that a high quality PE and school sport curriculum gives pupils and uses the School Sports Premium Fund to enable this. 

Long-Term Plan

PE Long Term Plan.pdf

Skills and Knowledge Progression

EYFS and KS1 PE Skills (Onside Coaching).pdf

KS2 PE Skills (Onside Coaching).pdf

Reception - Year 6 PE Skills Progression.docx.pdf